Climate Change Pushing This Lemur to the Limit
A new study, co-authored by UA primatologist Stacey Tecot, paints a grim picture for the future of greater bamboo lemurs in Madagascar.
Exotic pets do not make Excellent Pets!
Every now and then you have to ask yourself this question: “Am I doing this for attention?” if it is not part of a marketing extravaganza then the answer should always be “No”.
The elephant in the room
The cruel and harsh reality behind elephant back riding in Asia is well documented – see for example ‘an elephant never forgets’ documentary below – and the ripple effects of educating the travelling public and raising awareness among the tour operators is slowly starting to pay off.
The possible impacts of legalising the lion bone trade
The recent announcement by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to set the export quota of lion skeletons for Asia to 800 has important implications for the conservation of wild lions in South Africa. Legalising the trade in lion bones has been enabled by the 17th Conference of Parties (CoP17) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) failing to transfer all lion populations from Appendix II to Appendix I and thus prohibiting the international commercial trade in lions or any lion parts.
Ringtail Lemurs Threatened by Illegal Pet Trade
Some restaurant owners keep a tank of exotic fish to attract and entertain their customers. In Madagascar, patrons are more likely to see a live lemur chained to the wall.
The region's Fauna and Flora
The natural vegetation is a mix of coastal Fynbos which comprises of numerous Proteas (Protea caffra), Erica (Erica mammosa) and many bulb species like Watsonias (Watsonia meriana) and Gladiolas (Gladiolus communis), as well as temperate high forest known as the Tsitsikamma forests.
The dangers of captive wildlife petting
As promised, here’s an overview about why petting of wildlife – even/especially young animals – is a dangerous and unethical practice.
Four Tswalu wild dogs
Thanks to a joint agreement between Tswalu, Endangered Wildlife Trust and Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary, four wild dogs will stay at the Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary on a temporary basis.
The story of 2 Ladies and 2 Lions
Thanks to the determination of two amazing woman – Drew and Maxine – two little lion cubs – Lia and Elsa – have arrived at their Safe Final Forever home, Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary. When asked how she feels about that, Drew says “Relieved! Relieved with the knowledge that they (Lia and Elsa) will be safe for the rest of their lives.”
The Good Life
We have all heard so much recently about the horrors of animal abuse, birds captured from the wild, elephants and monkeys tortured to make them perform, animals and birds imprisoned in cages etc.