The Special Monkey Home at Monkeyland is a dedicated sanctuary for primates facing unique challenges, including disabilities, old age, or behavioral quirks. Some residents have physical limitations, such as poor eyesight or amputated limbs, while others suffer from emotional trauma, exhibiting behaviors like aggression or an intense fear of humans. These conditions make it difficult for them to thrive in Monkeyland’s more extensive forest environment or even in The Hidden Forest, which is why they are placed in this specialized care area.
What makes the Special Monkey Home particularly heartwarming is its foundation in compassion. Much like humans, these primates are not discarded due to age or disabilities. Instead, they are given the opportunity to live out their days in a forest environment with the highest standard of care. Caretakers are dedicated to ensuring that each primate enjoys a fulfilling life despite any physical or emotional limitations.
Many of the primates at the Special Monkey Home come from unknown or tragic backgrounds, but the sanctuary’s focus is firmly on their future. There is no emphasis on their past hardships; instead, the staff strives to give them dignity and care in their remaining years. This effort is part of the broader mission of the South African Animal Sanctuary Alliance (SAASA), which also includes Birds of Eden, Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary, and The Hidden Forest Wildlife Sanctuary - all dedicated to providing refuge for vulnerable animals from challenging backgrounds.
Due to the sensitive conditions of the primates, the Special Monkey Home is not open to the public. Many of the animals are too traumatized to be near unfamiliar people, and further exposure to humans could exacerbate their stress. Only trained animal keepers are allowed access to provide the specialized care needed to ensure their well-being. This privacy allows the primates to live peacefully, surrounded by those dedicated to their comfort and care.